The 812
The 812 is a daily show about the basic workings of city government in Bloomington, Indiana. Hosted by Steve Volan, a recently-retired five-term member of Bloomington's City Council, The 812's primary feature is a half-hour interview with elected and appointed officials in city government, as well as with members of boards, commissions and not-for-profits providing services to the city. Produced by Plateia Media.
The 812
141 [S2E44]: Where should ballots be cast? Inside the Vote Center Study Committee
Monroe County still has precinct voting. On Election Day, you go to a particular polling place based on what precinct you live in. But there's a new idea out there: voting centers, which allow you to vote at any polling place regardless of where you live.
In mid-2023, Monroe County's Election Board created a nine-member committee to study whether it would be a good idea for its residents to vote at vote centers, rather than at assigned precinct polling places. The committee began meeting at the beginning of this year and will wrap up its work in January.
Two members of the Vote Center Study Committee join us: Debora (Ralf) Shaw is a representative from the League of Women Voters, and Ami Gandhi remotely leads the Midwest Voting Rights Program, a function of Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights. They'll tell us all about vote centers, the Committee's work and some of the conclusions it's come to. (Note: Host Steve Volan is also a member of the Vote Center Study Committee.)
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